Maralene Joshua: Accept yourself before anyone else can

Growing up, I was a very insecure child mainly for two reasons – my scars and my body. I had scars on my legs and certain parts of my body, and when puberty hit, the shame doubled because I started to get pimples. I had stick legs, a flabby torso and poor posture – so I didn’t find my appearance pleasing. During secondary school days, I only exercised when I had to during PE or CCA. Naturally I felt that was sufficient as I was in a uniform group and

Jacinta Felix: You have to eat to lose weight

I used to be of average size before I had my daughter, but I gained about 20kg during my pregnancy and had difficulty losing these extra pounds after. I could not fit into any of my old clothing and had problems looking for clothes to fit me. Due to my busy work schedule and having to take care of my daughter, I couldn’t find time to exercise. I did lose a little weight in two years, but the truth is I gave up. Time just passed and my daughter is now 17. Over the last

Stanley Ng: Health is wealth

It started 2.5 yrs ago when I was 116kg. I have everything in my life as a result of my hard work with my wife – we stay in a landed house, we drive luxury cars, we have a chauffeur and we have country club memberships. And of course, I had all of that weight! The turning point was this day when I brought one of my sons to watch a movie. After the movie, he realised he left his iPad at the cinema. I rushed back up the stairs to get it for him, but I nearly blacked

Nicholas Cho: Start being healthy now

My fitness journey started on a wrong note. Back when I started my business in 2003, early mornings and late nights were the norm, and to keep myself sane, smoking three packs a day was probably my only workout. Fresh out of army and at 75kg, I thought nothing about my diet and health, and it wasn’t long when I ballooned to a massive 98kg within two years. Irregular meals, weekend partying and a total lack of exercise meant an extremely unhealthy regime. At that time,

Keanen Lee: Be better than you were yesterday

I’m a small dude – standing at 1.58m tall, weighing in at 54kg. I’ve read a few of the inspirational stories on this website and from what I’ve gathered, I think I’m quite lucky. I’m not down with any chronic illnesses nor did I get bullied in school; my insecurities came from myself mainly. I’ve been short and chubby all my life, but I wasn’t really affected by it until i was about 13. Moving on to secondary school, people there