Alina Toh: Choose to be healthy over skinny

p>Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my story of me being inferior about the size of my body when I was around the age of 17 and how I’ve since changed my perspective – of a healthy body over a slim body.   Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my story of me being inferior about the size of my body when I was around the age of 17 and how I’ve since changed my perspective – of a healthy body over a slim body. When I was around 17-18, I was so

Alina Toh: Choose to be healthy over skinny

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my story of me being inferior about the size of my body when I was around the age of 17 and how I’ve since changed my perspective – of a healthy body over a slim body. When I was around 17-18, I was so influenced by social media that having a slim body was the “IN” thing. I exercised so hard almost everyday and cut from three meals to just one a day. At that time, I slimmed down till I was 45kg and I still

Darren Ho: Be willing to try and change yourself

Well, I’ve always been a big kid. Chubby since young and made fun of by many of my peers.   Although I laughed it off, it always had an impact on me and I grew up very unhappy with myself, even though I lost some of the weight during my days of competitive tennis. Then it all happened one day, mentally I broke down and all the stress at work got to me. I put on a hefty 70 kg and hit an all time high of 140 kg at my “peak”. My lifestyle revolved around drinks,