She is made of strength, courage and beauty
For 11 years I’ve struggled with an eating disorder (diagnosed with Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)) and body dysmorphia disorder and the ugly non sugar-coated truth of mine is that it’s awful. My periods stopped, I lost my hair, I stopped wearing sleeveless tops, refused to anything that didn’t cover my legs, couldn’t leave the house without eyeliner, picked at my food, obsessed about calories, stopped
Opening up about my Naked Truth has been hard. It took me a while to pen this because writing about it brought back the memories - I hope this sharing will help anyone who is going through or have gone through a similar experience.
I was in an abusive relationship for eight years. During this period, the person I was ceased to exist and became hidden behind this new “me”. Everything I did was controlled and directed by my ex. I was in a foreign land, could not speak the native
I didn’t like my body very much growing up. I was always the odd one out. Too tall. Too fat. Too whatever. You’d think that being tall is an advantage and everyone wants to be tall. Well, not me – in the past at least. I was always the tallest in class since kindergarten, guys included. It was always going for the biggest shoe sizes and even being the heaviest among the girls.
Being 165cm as a primary six girl and comparing myself to girls who were 10cm shorter, the weight
Hi, my name is Ana K. Moreno and I have decided to share my story of struggle. I fell into bulimia and anorexia when I was only 11 years old. I never noticed how much I cared what people thought of me and how low my self-esteem was even at such a young age. I got over some of my fears and problems, then my mother decided to move to the USA and the problems started again.
Not only did I turn to my old habits but I punished myself for not being able to look like many of the other girls I was

Today’s story is about a girl who always feels inferior about herself and usually covers herself up with a long school skirt and jacket because she has caning marks from her dad. Her dad has the habit of using his belt to beat her whenever he is drunk just to make sure she listens to him (or to get more alcohol for him) - and perhaps it was a way to make him feel good about himself.
This little girl never understood why she has to be whacked in such a manner. She only rememberx that it