Cenna Chen: Having fears and working through them despite having them is one of the bravest and most inspiring things one can do in life

As early as in her teenage years, Cenna felt inadequate about herself when she was doing some modeling work and hanging out with friends who were all tall and thin models. It was only when she left

Aarti Olivia Dubey: I was done feeling ashamed

Deemed malnourished by her doctor, Aarti Olivia Dubey was given appetite inducers from the ages of 7 to 9. These completely changed her appetite control, her body and also her view of the world as

Andrea Lee: Aim to be the best version of yourself and take charge of your own happiness

Andrea started struggling with her body when she compared her size to her then-boyfriend, who was really skinny. “I thought that I would look better if I was as skinny as him, thus I started

Claire Jedrek: When I got older, something changed in me. I realised how I saw the world was entirely up to me

It was sometime in her teenage years when she was signed to a modeling agency that Claire Jedrek struggled with her body. “I remember bumping in my agency boss after not seeing her for a few

Vanessa Ang: Becoming a mother has taught me that I am loved no matter what size I become

Vanessa Ang, 22, mother of one, was only 11 when she started to struggle with her body. She had to join her school's TAF Club and over the years, her body image struggles got worse. "The worst