Soo Liting: If I can do it, so can you!

I used to weigh about 80kg during my teens and was mocked by friends and strangers. I was so used to having a heavy body in my life. Exercising is never in my brain but food is 24/7 there for me.

I can’t remember the exact reason I started off running, but I slowly began to build the momentum and running became my main exercise. People around me begin to comment that I’m losing weight but it was’t obvious to me.

I didn’t stop trying and I managed to hit 65kg – then I thought that was the maximum I can go after losing 15kg in 2 years.

I started hot yoga as my next hobby after my knee gave me problems due to excessive running. I attended a class with this teacher whom my friends said isn’t one to mess with, but I grew to like her class, though tough but good.

After a year of her tough yet fun class, plus a healthy diet, I lost another 9kg. Today, I am happy with how I look because I never imagined I would look this great!

If I can do it, so do u!

LATEST Inspiration