Carrie (@carriesim)’s journey to body positivity started after a harsh wake-up call when she fainted and lost control of her bladder on the MRT train as a result of extreme dieting. That embarrassing incident triggered her to take the first step and get out of her unhealthy eating habits.
“Finally, after so many years, I’m at a stage of accepting that no matter how my body looks and changes, and how much or little I do, that it doesn’t reflect my self-worth. At every stage, regardless of how I look or what weight I am, I am capable of making poor choices and good ones that bring me closer or further from what matters most to me,” she said.
“What matters is loving the life I lead and the values I uphold. In order to get there, I am learning to respect my body enough to find a balance and not spend too much time trying to control how people perceive me via how my body appears.”
Rock The Naked Truth (@rockthenakedtruthsg) has been a huge part of Carrie’s body positivity journey, giving her a platform and many opportunities to really look at my body and not just try to hide it away when she wasn’t comfortable with it changing. Since its inception in 2016, Carrie has been actively involved in their initiatives and campaigns to help others find confidence in themselves. The body image movement has also connected her with a community of other men and women who are working through their own journeys.
Carrie also feels that clothes should fit people and not the other way round. “Everyone should have access to clothes that fit them from the brands they love, especially a brand like lululemon that is known for its great fit, amazing quality, and ability to marry both form and function. Inclusive extended sizing also sends a clear message that we really matter at any size and shape.
“I really appreciate that lululemon has invested time and money in expanding its size range to serve people who don’t fit within typical dress sizes. It is one of the undisputed market leaders for athletic apparel and by making this move, lululemon is paving the way for more companies (not just athletic apparel brands) to see that this group of underserved individuals who require extended sizes are worth investing in too.”
Loving the breathable material of the sports bra and leggings she is wearing here, Carrie particularly likes how there are no uncomfortable armpit bulges and how great the support is for the boobs. The leggings are are also extremely stretchable and can take her from barre to boxing.
There is no one size to fit all dress sizes as there is no one size to live a good and meaningful life. It’s okay to feel bad about not being where we want to be and it’s okay to also feel proud about the progress we’ve made. Wherever you’re at, you’re enough. Trust the process and embrace a life of work in progress.
Carrie is wearing the Energy Bra and the Invigorate High-Rise Tight from lululemon here.