Alyssa Ang: Find something you like and stick to it

I have always been a chubby kid, never known to be morbidly obese but was never slim. Back in the day when bubble tea and donuts first gained popularity (remember Quickly and Donut Factory?), I was one of the many teenage kids in queue almost every single day to buy me some yummy donuts and bubble teas. I recalled having two cups everyday and that craze went on for a really long time throughout my late secondary/poly days. That got me growing sideways over the years. Oh my love-hate relationship with fatty food…

Since then I started wearing cardigans to cover up those chubby arms. I would wear cardigans or jackets, anything that could help cover up if I’m in a sleeveless top/dress. I became really conscious of myself that I would cover myself up in cardigans or jackets even under the sweltering SG heat.

Doesn’t help that I’m lazy too! From time to time, I would have that short spur of enthusiasm to lose some weight. I’ve tried doing exercises from jogging, swimming to going to the gym a few times a week. But I’ve never been able to sustain that healthy routine for long. Three months was probably the longest I’ve ever been, hence my weight has been going up and down, like the stock market.

Exercising has never been my favorite (I HATE cardio) so after a couple of failed attempts, I gave up and turned to taking slimming pills. Surely I saw results! I managed to lose about 8-10 kg from taking slimming pills and starving myself. For a couple of months I was really happy because the pills made me feel a lot more energetic and I could eat whatever I want without feeling the guilt.

However, it got me so hooked that I couldn’t get off the pills for over a year! Knowing that it’s not healthy to be on slimming pills for extended periods, I decided to quit and then shortly after the pounds came back on, albeit not entirely and I went back to feeling tired easily. That vicious cycle of desperate attempts to lose weight by having crash diets and taking slimming pills. I’ve come to terms that it will NEVER work.

‘I don’t have the time to exercise’ has always been my excuse and all I want to do everyday after work is to have a nice dinner and go to bed. After all these years of being chubby and with my wedding coming up in 21 months‘ time, I’ve finally decided to do something about my weight….. again!

About two months back, I started jogging on weekends with my fiancé. I’ve also started doing exercises via fitness YouTube channels (arms, abs, legs, butt exercises, and cardio exercises) at home every night straight for about three weeks now.

I’m feeling a lot healthier and less lethargic since Week 2… oh and happier too! FYI, all these exercises I’m doing ain’t super intensive as anything overly intensive (tried Insanity and gave up) puts me off and I would always run back to being that couch potato after a short while.

I’ve finally found something I could stick to for a long long long long time, so I’m determined to keep this momentum going for as long as I can! Find something you like and stick to it; makes it a lot easier to sustain.

LATEST Inspiration