Anne Tng: Learn the proper techniques

On the contrary, I was a happy fat kid. Sure, I got snide comments from the boys that I was a ‘roly-poly’ and I was huge, plus I had a bout of acne when I was in secondary school. I wasn’t an extremely popular girl in a mixed school, but I simply didn’t care.

The only thing that truly annoyed me was how the PE Teachers would pick me on, insisting that I join the TAF club. Notwithstanding my size, I was a pretty decent runner but one day it got to a point where I couldn’t take it. This teacher nicknamed “Muscle Tan” (I was from Victoria JC) threatened to throw me into the TAF club and I retaliated by saying that I’ll get silver for the NAPFA test. And I did.

So it was after junior college, before university, that I decided to try to lose weight. I had no clue how to begin, to be honest. So I exercised twice a day, ate like a mouse, took hydroxyl cut and my weight dropped from 67kg to 49kg in three months.

It was pretty epic for me. I discovered attention from the opposite sex that I never knew, popularity that I never imagined and just a lot of other perks being a skinny cute girl in university. However, the weight loss was not sustainable. I didn’t know how to keep the weight loss off and my weight yo-yo-ed over the years.

It got tiring, thus I’ve decided to rehash my love for fitness through a healthy and safe programme, to learn fitness through the right techniques. I want to look even more fabulous in my 30s than in my 20s. Also, I hope to inspire people my age and older that fitness can happen at any age if you really want it.

LATEST Inspiration