Mandy Chan: No one is born sporty or active; it is a choice you make to be

Fitness used to be a chore for Mandy Chan, 24, founder of lifestyle brand Bowforbold.

“Fitness is something I HAD to do,” she confessed. “Back in school, I struggled to complete the 2.4km run of my NAPFA test within 16 minutes.” In fact, during her primary and secondary school days, Mandy was more inclined towards the arts rather than sports with co-curricular activities (CCA) in the school band where she played the Guzheng. 

Then when she entered Junior College, she decided to challenge herself and switched to a sports CCA – she took up track & field as a high jumper. “By taking the first step to join a sports CCA, it lessened my fear and it also dispelled the misconception that you need to have a solid athletic background to join a sports CCA,” she said.

It was only when she took a gap year from university at the age of 19 and started her own business – bowforbold that designs multi-functional sports bags – that she became more involved in running. Not knowing what to do or where to start, a friend helped to guide her in running and the first running event she took part in was a half-marathon in 2017. Something changed in her when she completed it – it made her believe that she could do more than what was possible.

Her next big race was The Magnificent Merapoh Trail (TMMT) 2018 in Malaysia where she ran 35km of trails for the first time.  “After the TMMT, I felt it was time to prove to myself again that it’s truly mind over body and I should not be held back by any limitations not only fitness wise, but also in my arduous startup journey and in my personal growth. Thus, I signed up for the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon,” she shared.

Last year, with only four months to train for her first marathon (42.195km) because she sprained her foot, Mandy managed to finish the entire run with only slight cramping. She had plans to run it again this year and made a $200 bet with a friend to see who runs it faster, but with the pandemic, that is put on hold for now.

To maintain her fitness, Mandy runs four times a week, practises yoga twice a week and does HIIT three times a week too. “Fitness is a way for me to catch up and bond with my friends. It’s also a way for me to relieve stress and have that personal ‘me’ time.

“One of the greatest fitness misconceptions today is that people think sporty and active people are born that way, instead of them actively choosing to lead that lifestyle. I hope to change this misconception by sharing my story of how I ran my first full marathon,” she added.

*This #FitForAll series is brought to you by Rock the Naked Truth SG x HUAWEI Singapore, with the objective of promoting inclusivity for fitness. Fitness is for all and fitness looks different on everyone.

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