Rock The Naked Truth officially launched on 9 January 2016!

Official Launch of RTNT 1

Official Launch of RTNT 2

Official Launch of RTNT 3

Official Launch of RTNT 4

Official Launch of RTNT 5

Official Launch of RTNT 6

Body image refers to the way you perceive yourself. It is not just about the weight, but it is any aspect that affects your self-esteem and confidence. Rock The Naked Truth, a body image movement, aims to reach out to people experiencing such struggles by providing a support community to help them find their confidence. Officially launched on 9 January 2016 at Bugis Junction, men and women of different shapes and sizes from all walks of life gathered to share their stories and also participate in yoga and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

“I was nearly in tears when I listened to some of the stories during the sharing session. These body image struggles are very real and everyone faces them in some way. Creating this support community is my way of giving back to society, to encourage people to embrace themselves and be comfortable in their own skin,” said local sports and fitness photojournalist Cheryl Tay, founder of Rock The Naked Truth.

“You’re not alone in this. I finally realised this after suffering from my own issues for over a decade (refer to profile attached). Anyone is welcome to be part of this movement. Step forward and share your story, but it’s perfectly fine if you are not ready to. Take your time and when you decide to, we will be there with you.”

Supported by popular influencers such as Kelly Latimer, Sandra Riley Tang, Andrea Chong, Sara Wee, and Jessica Sinclair, nearly 100 people attended the launch event.

Moving forward, Rock The Naked Truth will be organising various fitness activities and also starting regular exercise clubs such as ROCKrunners, a running club kicking off on 30 January 2016.

The objectives of this movement include inspiring others to find confidence in their bodies through fitness, encouraging them to take care of their body and adopt healthy methods of getting in shape, promoting an active lifestyle and embracing inner beauty. Most importantly, the movement brings together a support community to motivate each other.

Whether you are struggling from body image issues, have struggled before or know someone who is, the movement aims to create a sustainable movement where everyone pays it forward.

There are a few ways to be part of the movement:

1) Share your story at Then be inspired by everyone’s stories

2) Share a message on IG with a criticism on what others say about you and how you embrace your “flaws”. Tag us and hashtag #rockthenakedtruth.

3) Join us at our monthly activities! See calendar

4) Join our running club ROCKrunners every other Saturday starting from 30 Jan.

5) Volunteer your skills as a writer, photographer, videographer, designer or even assist in planning of events.

6) Collaborate with us and plan something! A workshop, a workout, something fun:) We can be reached at